• Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

How Many Types of BSOD Errors – Solution All in One


Oct 22, 2024
BSOD ErrorsBSOD Errors
BSOD Errors MessageDetails
This version of BSOD error has the bug check value equal to 0x00000001. It means there is some misalignment in the APC state index. “Some of the Windows users claimed that it emerged when the users were printing PDF files, running Excel, or opening AutoCAD.”
IRQL_NOT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL – What?It is usually caused by faulty graphics card drivers, invalid registry entries, or corrupted system files. Mostly it’s showing stop code 0x00000009
IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUALThis particular type of BSOD has a bug check value of 0x0000000A. It means that during a certain instance the Windows or a Kernel-mode driver accessed the paged memory at Dispatch_Level or above. Other common complaints include that their system began to freeze with IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error when the system was free of loads. Also, it made the system completely unbootable when they tried to run a system update to fix the issue.” 
Error – KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLEDThis BSOD error code has a value of 0x0000001E. It could cause the system to reboot unexpectedly or not boot at all. “Users reported that this error occurred during the system’s initial boot process. Even enabling Safe Mode does not help.”
DEVICE_QUEUE_NOT_BUSYThis is actually a rare form of BSOD, which is displayed by bug check value of 0x00000002.
INVALID_AFFINITY_SETThere is a similar BSOD which is accompanied by the bug check value of 0x00000003. Although it might occur due to a number of reasons it may occur majorly due to problems with the hardware.
Error 0x00000004: INVALID_DATA_ACCESS_TRAPThis BSOD error points to an incorrect data access trap. Bug check 0x00000004 is the one that appears when it occurs. “Some users said that they had a challenge when trying to update their operating system to Windows latest version because of this error.”
IRQL_NOT_DISPATCH_LEVELThis error comes up with a error check value of 0x00000008.
Major cause of NO_EXCEPTION_HANDLING_SUPPORTThis BSOD error has a stop code of 0x0000000B. It could be due to faulty device drivers. Some Windows users report that it can be difficult to determine the cause of such errors.
MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS_EXCEEDEDThis specific type of BSOD is also known as the Stop Code 0x0000000C. The error indicates that the current thread hit the limit of wait objects allowed in.Net only because there were too many threads waiting. It may occur if KeWaitForMultipleObjects or FsRtlCancellableWaitForMultipleObjects are used incorrectly.
Active – MUTEX_LEVEL_NUMBER_VIOLATIONIt is a BSOD error that comes with a stop code 0x0000000D.
NO_USER_MODE_CONTEXTThis error has a bug check value of 0×0000000E. It is shown when the control returns to the first thread procedure to launch a system thread.
Also showing SPIN_LOCK_ALREADY_OWNEDWhen you get this BSOD error, it means that a request for a spin lock had been done when the spin lock was not available. It falls with a stop code 0x 0000000F.
THREAD_NOT_MUTEX_OWNERIt comes with a bug check value of 0x00000011. “According to the users, this error may be caused by the corrupted RAM they are using.”
WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_WHILE_ATTACHED_TO_SILOThis specific BSOD bug check is indicated by the value of 0x0000019A. This error arises when a worker thread is associated with a particular silo and does not release the association before they pull out.
An unknown error, TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWNIt indicates that an unknown exception occurred. This error has the stop code 0x00000012.
CID_HANDLE_DELETIONCID_HANDLE_DELETION error shows a blue screen and appears with a bug check value of 0x00000017.
REFERENCE_BY_POINTERThis has a stop code – 0x00000018 and it points out that the reference count of an object is incorrect for the current thing state.
BAD_POOL_HEADERImportant There is another numeric value associated with this bug check and it is 0x00000019. The first one points toward corrupted pool header, which is a common message which is displayed on screen to the user. Other causes of this error are enumerated by different parameters of this error. 
MEMORY_MANAGEMENTIt pops with a stop code 0x0000001A. It is one of our worst memories that tells us that a more sober memory management error has taken place.
Known as 0x0000001C “PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT”This particular type of BSOD error has a value of 0x0000001C.
KERNEL_APC_PENDING_DURING_EXITThere is a type of BSOD that comes with a specific code called – 0x00000020. It informs that an APC was still outstanding at the time of thread’s termination. Some users claimed that they received this error message after logging out or turning off their computers. Some users noted that this error emerged when they installed the system for the first time and only on fresh copies of Windows.
QUOTA_UNDERFLOWIt commonly comes together with a stop code – 0x00000021. It explains that a quota charge has been mismanaged by providing back a higher quota to a certain block compared to the previous charge. It appears that some of the users encountered this issue after downloading Windows 10 Home edition.
FAT_FILE_SYSTEM also known as some numerical errorThis error when appeared suggests that there are issues with the FAT file system. It comes with a type – stop code – 0x00000023. It can even cause your system to get stuck at a booting loop as some users have complained.
NTFS_FILE_SYSTEMThis particular version of the notorious BSOD bug check is identified by the value, 0x00000024. It comes up when you have an issue with the NTFS.sys, a driver file that assists the system to write/ read from the hard disk with NTFS file system.
CDFS_FILE_SYSTEM Basically it shows,Namely, this error appears when there is some issue with the CD file system in the operating system. Sometimes you will come across this type of error in form of a stop code 0x00000026.
Stop Code: 0x00000024It may also have other stop code such as 0X00000024 (0X0000000000190494, 0xFFFFFA800471DA70, 0XFFFFFFFFC0000102, 0X0000000000000000).
CORRUPT_ACCESS_TOKENIt also gives a stop code – 0x00000028 where a blue screen comes up saying the computer needs to restart.
INCONSISTENT_IRPIt shows that an IRP had been detected to contain inconsistent information. It has a value of 0x0000002A. In English, it indicates that somewhere in the IRP some of the fields were different from the rest of the state of the IRP.
PANIC_STACK_SWITCHA stop code showing as the value 0x0000002B is displayed with this type of BSOD errors. The breakdown identifies that a kernel mode stack was overrun.
DATA_BUS_ERRORThis indicates that the system memory has a parity error when you come across this message. It arrives with the value of 0x0000002E. It can be due to some hardware problems, it could be a configuration problem, it could a problem with the hardware that is being used, or it could be due to incompatible hardware.
SET_OF_INVALID_CONTEXTThis error indicates that one of the stack pointers in a trap frame was non-positive. It has a value of 0x00000030. It arise and occur if some routined try to adjust the stack pointer to point to an address lower than the current stack pointer value in the trap frame.
PHASE0_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDIt has a stop code – 0x00000031. This error simply points to the fact that the system has not been initialized properly.
UNEXPECTED_INITIALIZATION_CALLThis particular kind of BSOD error comes with the code, 0x00000033.
BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFOThis type of failure arises when there is some issue with the registry. This bug check has a value of 0x00000074.
NO_MORE_IRP_STACK_LOCATIONSSpecifically, this BSOD arises due to the exhaustion of stack locations by the IoCallDriver packet. It has a value of 0x00000035.
DEVICE_REFERENCE_COUNT_NOT_ZEROThis is caused by a Blue Screen of Death, which has a hex value 0x00000036. This means that a driver tried to remove a device object that had more than zero references.
FLOPPY_INTERNAL_ERRORIts value is smaller and is observed less frequently, which is 0x00000037.
SERIAL_DRIVER_INTERNALThese kinds of BSOD errors are rare.
SYSTEM_EXIT_OWNED_MUTEXThis failure brings a stop code 0x00000039. It means that the worker routine executed the return without unlocking the mutex object that it held.
SYSTEM_UNWIND_PREVIOUS_USERThis is one of the BSOD errors that has the value of 0x0000003A placed within it.
BSOD SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTIONThe specific cause of this kind of BSOD is that it has the value 0x0000003B. It shows that some exceptions occurred while running a procedure that switches from non-privileged to privileged instruction.
MULTIPROCESSOR_CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe given error: shows itself with a stop code – 0x0000003E. And thus it proves that the system contains a number of processors but they are not identical that is they are asymmetric to each other.
NO_MORE_SYSTEM_PTESIt was also established that this blue screen error is caused by a system that has carried out many I/O operations. It has led to a discontinuous page table entries (PTE) of the system page. And can be identified by issuing a stop code 0x0000003F.
TARGET_MDL_TOO_SMALLThis type of a BSOD error comes with a stop code 0x00000040. It shows that a driver has incorrectly employed IoBuildPartialMdl. It is majorly a driver bug. This error might occur while a person is browsing the internet, updating their system or while installing a windows update.
MUST_SUCCEED_POOL_EMPTYHaving an error that is a 0x00000041, this particular BSOD pertains to an event in which a kernel-mode thread has inquired too much ‘much succeed pool’. It is possible to attempt a replacement or modification of the driver in order to solve this problem.
ATDISK_DRIVER_INTERNALThis type of error is experienced with a bug check value of 0x00000042.
NO_SUCH_PARTITIONThis specific BSOD error features the value of 0x00000043, This numeric value is added to the name BSOD to distinguish this particular error from other Blue Screen of Death errors.
MULTIPLE_IRP_COMPLETE_REQUESTSI have to indicate that this blue screen error appears with a value of 0x00000044. It provides that a driver has attempted making an IRP call that ought to be complete already. At other times you install drivers of the day still the error will persist and this can be quite cumbersome when it comes to solving a bug.
INSUFFICIENT_SYSTEM_MAP_REGSIt is an infrequent bug check, which is identified with a value of 0x00000045.
DEREF_UNKNOWN_LOGON_SESSIONThis specific BSOD error is called ‘ KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR ’ and is seen with the status code 0x00000046.
REF_UNKNOWN_LOGON_SESSIONIt is not as recurrent and has a value of 0x00000047.
CANCEL_STATE_IN_COMPLETED_IRPIt is one of the well-known BSOD errors that marks an I/O request packet (IRP) for processing and then withdrawal. It comes with the value 0x00000048 loaded on it.
PAGE_FAULT_WITH_INTERRUPTS_OFFThis error occurs together with the bug check value of 0x00000049.
IRQL_GT_ZERO_AT_SYSTEM_SERVICEThis kind of BSOD error comes with the value: 0x0000004A This type of error results from a thread returning to the user mode from system call but with the IRQL still beyond the PASSIVE_LEVEL.
STREAMS_INTERNAL_ERRORThis blue screen error is displayed with a value of 0x0000004B.
FATAL_UNHANDLED_HARD_ERRORThis error appears with the value 0x0000004C.
NO_PAGES_AVAILABLEThis error occurs when the system cannot find free page to proceed any further in the operation. It is equal to 0x0000004D.
PFN_LIST_CORRUPTThis is a variation of the famous BSOD that has a value of 0x0000004E. It indicates that the Page Frame Number (PFN) list is altered. It can also be present on your system as a common error.
KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERRORThis BSOD error is made up of a value of 0x0000004F.
PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREAThis is a kind of the BSOD error which occurs with the value of 0x00000050. This means that there has been reference to an invalid system memory.
REGISTRY_ERRORThis specific BSOD simply means that a critical registry error has occurred. It comes with a stop code 0x00000051.
MAILSLOT_FILE_SYSTEMThis error appears with stop code 0x00000052.
NO_BOOT_DEVICEOkay, so looking at the error it states that a value of 0x00000053 appears.
LM_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERRORThis is a type of BSOD error that comes with a value of 0x00000054.
DATA_COHERENCY_EXCEPTIONThis blue screen error comes with 0x00000055 as its value.
INSTRUCTION_COHERENCY_EXCEPTIONThis is shown with the stop code 0x00000056.
XNS_INTERNAL_ERRORAn uncommon mistake that has a value of 0x00000057.
FTDISK_INTERNAL_ERRORThis error is caused when the system is booted from the wrong copy of a mirrored partition. Oops it appears with a bug check value of 0x00000058.
PINBALL_FILE_SYSTEMThis type of BSOD means that there is a problem in the Pinball file system and has a value of 0x00000059.
CRITICAL_SERVICE_FAILEDThis error appears accompanied by the stop code 0x0000005A.
SET_ENV_VAR_FAILEDThis error is recorded to be displayed with value 0x0000005B.
0x0000005CThis is a common breed of the Blue Screen of Death error and tends to happen as a result of device drivers and hardware problems.
UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSORThe blue screen of death Windows 10 error with which the next tutorial is filed has the value of 0x0000005D. It indicates that the computer is trying to install Windows on an unsupported processor.
OBJECT_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDThis type of the BSOD error is equal to 0x0000005E.
SECURITY_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDThis is blue screen error that appears with a stop code of 0x0000005F.
SYMBOLIC_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDThis is commonly represented by a blue screen error that has the stop code: 0x00000064.
MEMORY1_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDIn this version of BSOD, there is a specific stop code, which is 0x00000065.
CACHE_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDThis brings about a stop code 0x00000066 as part of the BSOD error.
CONFIG_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDThis one may appear in case of the registry configuration failure and its stop code is – 0x00000067.
IO1_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDThis blue screen error means that during the initialization of the I/O system, there was some sort of problem. It has a value of 0x00000069.
LPC_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDThis blue screen of death error is composed of a value of 0x0000006A.
PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDThis type of BSOD has the dump code of 0x0000006B. It means that the loading of the Microsoft Windows operating system has not been proper or rather successful.
REFMON_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDIt comprises of a value of 000: 000: 011: 011: 111: 110: 110. ”0x0000006C”.
SESSION1_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDIf the initialization process of the Microsoft Windows operating system was unsuccessful, you might receive this type of BSOD with the number 0x0000006D.
SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDHaving a value of 0x0000006F, this halt code indicates the initialization of Microsoft Windows operating system.
SESSION4_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDIt comes with a stop code 0x00000070, and the blue screen is associated with fatal errors that could shut down your PC. It signifies that the start of the Microsoft Windows operating system has not been successful.
0x00000071This type of BSOD is an indication that the process of starting the Microsoft Windows os has failed.
0x00000072This kind of BSOD is usually results from inconsistent Windows registry or improper system configurations.
CONFIG_LIST_FAILEDThis particular type of blue screen also surfaces with the stop code 0x00000073 which means that a top-level registry key; better known as a core system hive cannot be connected in with the rest of the registry tree.
CANNOT_WRITE_CONFIGURATIONThe following is a description of one of the most common BSOD errors that come with a stop code 0x00000075. This error occurs when the SYSTEM registry hive file cannot be converted to a mapped file. This is commonly caused when the system lies outside the pool and the Windows OS is unable to open the hive once again.
PROCESS_HAS_LOCKED_PAGESThis error displays the decimal value of hexadecimal number 0x00000076. It means that a driver has not released any locked page after an I/O operation or that it tried to unlock any page which was already opened. This error may arise when loading/playing video games, or even when watching the YouTube channel.
KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERRORTo identify the page attracting their attention, minidumps were reading the page that was requested from a paging file that could not be read into memory, which scored 0x00000077. It may also appear with other stop codes – 0x00000077 (0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xF79DFD24). Nonetheless it seems rather difficult to identify the source of this issue.
PHASE0_EXCEPTIONThis is a variety of the well-known BSOD error associated with the value of 0x00000078.
MISMATCHED_HALWhen this stop code is ‘0x00000079,’ it indicates that the HAL revision level or configuration is either different from the kernel or computer.
INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICEThis is a type of the Blue Screen Of Death on Windows 10 which has the value of 0x0000007B. It defines it as the boot method of the Microsoft Windows operating system that has unsuccessfully tried to access the system partition.
BUGCODE_NDIS_DRIVERShown below is one of the BSODs that come with a value of 0x0000007C, and this suggests that there was a problem with an NDIS driver.
INSTALL_MORE_MEMORYThis specific BSOD manifests with a value of 0x0000007D. When no suitable file is found, it states a lack of memory to kick-start the Microsoft Windows operating system.
SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLEDThis type of BSOD pertains to a thread created in the system that produced an exception that was not being handled by the error handler. It is searching with a reported value of 0x0000007E.
UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAPIt emerges with the bug check value of 0×0000007F. It signifies that the Intel CPU created a trap while the kernel did not identify this trap. It is typical to manifest after the installation of bad or non-interchangeable hardware (RAM).
NMI_HARDWARE_FAILUREIt has bug check value of 0x00000080 and happens due to a failure in a hardware component. This error can also happen if a Non-Maskable Interrupt NMl is initiated It can be due to a trapped Instruction Fetch, Instruction Execute, or Data Access stage exception.
SPIN_LOCK_INIT_FAILUREThis kind of a blue screen of death has a value of 0x00000081.
DFS_FILE_SYSTEMBlue screen error with the value of 0x00000082 is the bluer screen of death.
SETUP_FAILUREThis particular type of the BSOD signifies fatal error during its setup. This bug check has a value of 0x00000085.
MBR_CHECKSUM_MISMATCHThis is a BSOD errors which indicates that there is a mismatch in the MBR checksum. It is associated with a value of 0x0000008B.
KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLEDThis is a specific kind of BSOD bug check that is characterized by value 0x0000008E. It means that a kernel mode application raised an exception for which the error handler did not acknowledge.
PP0_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDThis bug check appears with a value of 0x0000008F. This is another version of the BSOD that indicates that the Plug and Play manager could not be started up.
UP_DRIVER_ON_MP_SYSTEMTo get more details about this issue, the value of this specific BSOD is 0x00000092. This informs a user that a specific kernel driver to be used in a multiprocessor system has been downloaded for a uniprocessor only.
INVALID_KERNEL_HANDLEThis is a BSOD error that displays when an invalid or protected handle is passed to NtClose. They both appear with a value of 0x00000093.
KERNEL_STACK_LOCKED_AT_EXITBSOD associated with this error means that a thread exited during a time in which its portion of the kernel stack was marked as not swappable. It has a value of 0x00000094.
INVALID_WORK_QUEUE_ITEMHowever, this type of BSOD is accompanied by the value of 0x00000096. It means that a queue entry was removed that pointed to NULL. It may appear on your system once in a while without any form of notification. 
Srttrail.txtThis blue screen of death error may appear because of the following reasons. It suddenly emerges on the first startup, after a program has been installed or when using the internet.
END_OF_NT_EVALUATION_PERIODThis error comes along with the stop code of 0x00000098. It means that the trial period for the Microsoft Windows OS has come to a certain extent.
INVALID_REGION_OR_SEGMENTWith the value of 0x00000099, this kind of BSOD indicates that the process of ExInitializeRegion or ExInterlockedExtendRegion was initiated with improper parameters.
SYSTEM_LICENSE_VIOLATIONThis particular type of BSOD translates as “The software license agreement violation.” It shows up with a value of 0x0000009A.
UDFS_FILE_SYSTEMThis is a particular form of the more commonly known BSOD error that comes with the stop code 0x0000009B. It indicates that there was a problem with the UDF file system.
MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTIONThis bug check has value of 0x0000009C. It just means that there is a fatal machine check exception.
USER_MODE_HEALTH_MONITORThere is another type of the BSOD error that has the 0x0000009E stop code, which indicates that one or more critical components in the user mode did not pass the health check.
DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILUREWasting a value of 0x0000009F, this kind of bluescreen error means the driver is in some type of power state that is inconsistent or invalid.
INTERNAL_POWER_ERRORThis is a BSOD bug check that means the power policy manager has failed fatally. This is a system file that seems to occur with a stop code 0x000000A0.
PCI_BUS_DRIVER_INTERNALWith a value of 0x000000A1, this type of blue-screen error indicates that the PCI Bus Driver encountered inconsistencies with its internal structures and was unable to proceed.
MEMORY_IMAGE_CORRUPTIt may appear as 0x000000A2 and points to corruption in the image of an executable file in memory.
ACPI_DRIVER_INTERNALThis particular blue screen of death has a value of 0x000000A3 and occurs on Windows 10; the ACPI driver has identified an internal contradiction.
CNSS_FILE_SYSTEM_FILTERThis kind of BSOD errors appears together with the stop code of 0x000000A4 and it is a signal that a certain issue has taken place at the CNSS file system filter.
ACPI_BIOS_ERRORThis BSOD error code is “0x000000A5” which means that the ACPI BIOS of the concerned computer is partially compliant with the ACPI specification.
BAD_EXHANDLEThis BSOD error code is ‘0x000000A5’ which means that the ACPI BIOS of the concerned computer is partially compliant with the ACPI specification.
SESSION_HAS_VALID_POOL_ON_EXITThis is an error and has a stop code of 0x000000AB and it arises when a session unload happens and the session driver has memory allocated to it.
HAL_MEMORY_ALLOCATIONThis error comes with a stop code of 0x000000AC and its meaning is that the HAL could not secure enough memory.
VIDEO_DRIVER_DEBUG_REPORT_REQUESTThis proves that the video port is able to write a non-fatal minidump on the side of the video driver during the run time. This error comes with the stop code 0x000000AD.
VIDEO_DRIVER_INIT_FAILUREThis specific BSOD is accompanied by a stop code 0x000000B4 and means that Windows failed to enter graphics mode.
ATTEMPTED_SWITCH_FROM_DPCThis BSOD has the value of 0x000000B8 and is caused by a DPC routine attempting an invalid operation.
DPC Watchdog Violation ErrorThe value 0x00000133 associated with this bug check points to the DPC watchdog has been run. These could be either because the DPC watchdog found that there is a single long-running DPC or the system was at an interrupt request level (IRQL) of DISPATCH_LEVEL or above for a long time. There are reported cases where this error appears after upgrading to Windows 10 from a previous version.
SESSION_HAS_VALID_VIEWS_ON_EXITThis Blue Screen Of Death error is created with stop code of 0x000000BA. It defines the fact that a session driver had views still mapped at the time the session was dumped.
BAD POOL HEADERThis basic Blue Screen of Death error points to a bad pool header. It has a value of 0x00000019. This error means that there is a problem with the memory management that Windows uses.
NETWORK_BOOT_DUPLICATE_ADDRESSThis bug check reveals that, while the machine was booting off a network, it has been assigned a duplicate IP address. It is a value of 0x000000BC.
ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORYThere is also a BSOD error that is accompanied by the stop code – 0x000000BE. This blue screen bug check is raised when a driver tries to write on a ROM (Read Only Memory) segment.
MUTEX_ALREADY_OWNEDThis blue screen error comes with a stop code 0x000000BF. It shows that a thread tried to get ownership of a mutex which it already had ownership on.
SPECIAL_POOL_DETECTED_MEMORY_CORRUPTIONThis bug check comes up with a stop code of – 0x000000C1. It points out that the driver wrote to an invalid section of the special pool of memory.
BAD_POOL_CALLERThis bug check has a value of 0x000000C2. If you encounter this type of error, it tells you that there is a thread at the back that is generating the bad pool request. This is a random error that may occur on your system and make it crash or simply freeze at random.
DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATIONThis is a general STOP code for a fatal error to be generated by Driver Verifier. One example of this error is when the value is 0x000000C4.
DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOLThis particular type of BSOD errors carries the value 0x000000C5 and highlights that the system tried to write in or read from invalid memory when the process IRQL was too high.
DRIVER_CAUGHT_MODIFYING_FREED_POOLThis BSOD errors is caused by an attempt by the driver to access a memory pool that has been freed. It appears with a bug check value of 0x000000C6.
TIMER_OR_DPC_INVALIDThe status of this particular BSOD is 0x000000C7. This is a blue screen error that occurs when a kernel timer or delayed procedure call (DPC) is found somewhere it should not be.

Also, know about this stop code 0xC000021A error.

By Daisy

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