• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Time Travel Myth or Reality?

ByRowan Atkinston

Jan 21, 2025

Can you ever think what if you have a source for time travel and went to the past and advised your ancestors for their better future? If yes then congrats you are thinking about just vanishing your long-generation existence. It’s shocking Right but how can everything change with one piece of advice or activity which possible to execute in the past if any moron genius assembled the Myth or Reality “Time Machine”.

Seriously boring to boring people get sparks in their iris when the topic of Time Travel or Time Machine flows in the room of human surroundings. Time was not a frolic, it’s a creepy but hard mind boggling concept where great intelligence wrote multiple theories and stories such as No doubt Theory of Relativity, Grandfather paradox theory, multiverse theory, wormhole and black hole, etc. On the same concept time travel and its components and on the same topic movies like Interstellar, Martian, Gravity, Ad astra and many more talk about the conviction of Time.

Urban Tales of Time Travel


Genius’s Theories of Time Travel 

Theory of Relativity

Late Albert Einstein world famous theory of Relativity consider most strong theory for Time travel possibility where it’s publish between 1905 and 1915 in two parts special relativity and general relativity who said when object surpass the all 3 dimensions it would be travelling in 4d time space whose space it that much narrow and shrunk If smallest create of earth Myxozoa also bigger for that space. 

Source: ArvinAsh

Because theory said when Mass of an object shrinks on the atomic level and adds there speed faster than lightspeed it formed an alternative Quantum time space where time goes slowly as compared to planet rotation time. Quantum Time space is complex subject that’s why I can’t elaborate it now may be in next blog, but reader now have learned that if a person able to skink their body as mentioned in Theory of Relativity otherwise create a machine who had this potential can travel beyond time and now that’s the definition of “Time Machine”.

Wormhole Theory 

Wormhole is an actualization of a passage leading from one point in space and time to another distinct point in space and time; it has two openings at two different locations or two different time periods. In relation to the wormholes solutions conduct from Einstein’s field equations, the wormholes meet general relativity though these are still consider theoretical. Matt Visser has suggested they are related to cosmic strings in the early universe while Kip Thorne pioneered artificial production. Visualization methods can compare wormholes with circle form paper with points that can be join, Furthermore, the term ‘wormhole’ was define by John Archibald Wheeler. 


There exist other definitions that describe them geometrically and topologically; the intra-universe wormholes are basically, compact regions of spacetime. The trajectory Einstein-Rosen bridge unites black holes but is unstable for light usage. Quantum phenomena paving the way to real, traversable wormholes, theories suggest that they may have been forming when the universe was still young and small. 

These holes could in fact act as pathways for space-time travel give that wormholes are correctly form, however there are limitations towards the control of time travel. In general, therefore, though conceptually interesting, practical realizations of wormholes are hypothetical and theoretically violate various principles of physics.

What if Time Travel is the Invisible Reality?

It is necessary to not interrupt universe evolution & surrounding systematic workspace. When life tries to interfere in the cosmos timeline there are many theories mention in great books an alternative timeline should have a chance to form. If a person achieves the make a Time Travel and they comes on the forgotten period and just ate an apple from the apple tree it can able to destroy whole humanity.

Let me explain with an Example:- A Time Traveler comes from the future in the present date and he/she kicks a stone and gets return to there timeline but after return he sees where is his house gone? There are only totally burn land or nothing they get upset but what happens with house, Nowhere time it was the result of time travel, When traveler kick the stone its hit a dog who immediately stand up and a person who pass-through beside the same dog get scars and runs towards main road and suddenly a big truck comes in the radius of same man in 5 meter.

Truck driver tries to douche and save a man but the truck goes Unbalance and crashes in the close a while factory which is fill-up with harmful flammable, unfortunately, truck was also fill up by petroleum and it make a huge blast in the factory who taken down into the whole city. Yes, this is Time Travel cons they make an alternative future for themselves. Time Travel is Myth or Reality gods know but it was not good to change past for personal benefits because an another alternative timeline disturb the cosmos and that brings destruction only.